
Day 26 – Complete the Turnaround!

by Pray In Unity

Watchman, how much longer until morning? When will the night be over?”
(Isaiah 21:11b; NLT)

Prophetically, we’ve known for many years that what we decide in 2020 impacts our nation in a way that few other times in history ever have. Like the Pilgrims’ original voyage 400 years ago, our country is at a threshold from which there is no return. Will America choose to defy God openly? Or will we honor the covenantal foundations entrusted to us and complete the turnaround that secures our inheritance for decades?

That is what is truly at stake.

Freedom in Jesus is the fire that propelled both Pilgrims and Revolutionaries to give their lives for a movement called America. Immigrants fled brutal dictatorships, empowered in the unseen realm by an antichrist spirit which had claimed their lives, their property, their privacy, and even their offspring. They sought, in turn, to establish a nation forged in freedom, founded by covenant with God, as a beachhead against antichrist dictatorships.

This priceless gift is at the core of America’s national identity. And yet even the covenant they made remains under relentless assault. Why?

Maybe it is because in both the spiritual and natural realms the right to rule is ultimately determined by covenant and covenants establish thrones of governance. 

Note that, in each successive generation, God faithfully posted watchmen on the wall to bear witness to His covenant. From the Pilgrims came the Patriots. Then the awakeners. The pioneers. The abolitionists. The suffragists. The greatest generation. William Bradford and William Penn. Jonathan Edwards and Charles Finney. Abraham Lincoln, Harriet Tubman, William Seymour, and Martin Luther King, Jr. And millions of others known but to God, whose hearts and legacies were also fueled by sacred fire from another realm. They faced down seemingly insurmountable challenges to preserve and perpetuate freedom, having only limited vision of the consequences and limited windows of opportunity to act.

It is no different in our hour. Will you keep the flame? Or will the Body of Christ slumber while the rest of the nation succumbs to deceptive agendas weaponized to destroy the very cornerstone of our constitutional freedom?

“Watchman, what of the night?” It’s a midnight hour. Really, no viable solutions are available apart from the intervention of God. Completing the turnaround entrusted to us remains the great invitation of our time.

Points for Prayer: 

Ask the Father to empower His covenant watchmen to stand with Him and repel the onslaught at our gates. 

Ask the Lord to deliver our nation from a movement of totalitarianism tied to idolatry that seeks even now to hold our land hostage. 

Remind the Lord of the Daniel 7:22 verdict in favor of the saints—restraining the forces of darkness, and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. 

Pray that He preserve our freedom, for we are helpless without His grace and mercy. 

Ask Him to grant us grace together to complete America’s turnaround to the glory of Jesus, our Lord and King! 

By Jon & Jolene Hamill
Co-Founders, Lamplighter Ministries
Adapted from the new book “White House Watchmen”